Aluminum engine block repair for Porsche M96 and M97 engines

Aluminum engine block repair for Porsche M96 and M97 engines

175,00 excluding VAT 211,75 including VAT


Is your Porsche engine crankcase damaged?

We can correct most damage and remove broken bolts, weld, fabricate and/or re-machine aluminum to make your air-cooled or water-cooled aluminum engine as good as new.

Costs at least one hour for installation and repair. Price per hour. Parts and materials extra.

Examples shown include a cracked m96 block with a broken bolt that had to be removed, cracked and reworked; 9A1 MA1 engine block where we had to fabricate a cam that broke off the block and weld it back into place and then machine it; repair of an incorrectly machined air-cooled 911 cabinet that required the registers and deck to be machined, sleeved, and re-machined to restore proper cabinet geometry and surface finish.

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